1. When spending time in a public
forum that’s ripe for potential socialization, it’s best to appear
unapproachable. Do not make eye contact with the other patrons. If applicable,
maintain focus on the television screen even if it’s something preposterous
like gerbil racing. If there’s an empty seat next to you, fill it with your
coat or handbag so as to prevent a stranger from feeling friendly enough to sit
down and strike up a conversation with you. If someone fails to pick up on these
anti-social vibes you’re throwing down, use minimal words to express yourself,
do not make eye contact, seem enthralled with your food, appear totally bored
with them, etc. You get the point.
2. Deodorant. In this case, it’s
not your friend. It’s unfortunate that this will result in alienating some of
(or majority of) your peers, friends, and family, but this is a necessary
casualty of war. You don’t want to seem attractive to the opposite sex. Let’s
face it. No one wants to bang stinky.
3. It goes without saying that
mean people suck. If you’re a big enough asshole, there’s not a sane person on
this planet that’s going to want to date you. Just tone it down a notch for
family and friends. You want to be single, not ostracized. You also don’t want
your ass kicked.
4. Eliminate flair. It’s great
that you have eclectic hobbies and a great personality, however that’s exactly
that kind of crap that’s going to land you a significant other. Keep the
scintillating aspects of your person to yourself. It’s important to appear as
bland as possible to the opposite sex otherwise you may give the impression
that you are a “catch.” When attempting to channel this inner bore, try to
imagine that you’re a saltine cracker. Saltine crackers are functional, but
there’s absolutely nothing interesting about them.
5. If you’re someone who may not
want to commit to one dish in particular, but still want to partake in the
buffet, steps #1 through 4 are not for you. Steps #5 and onward will cover getting
action without committing to one flavor. For those of you strictly interested
in one-night stands and nothing more, there is no need to even exchange phone
numbers with the person you had sex with. In fact, last names are unnecessary
as well seeing as how that opens the door for that person to stalk you out on
Facebook. There IS, however, a great need for you to use a condom. It’s called
STD’s and accidental pregnancy, neither of which are appealing. Google it if
you don’t believe us.
6. Perhaps the idea of a one-night
stand repulses you slightly. You’d like to keep your “Number” a reasonably low
one. You don’t want to risk venereal diseases or disgusting potential mates
with an extraordinarily high “Number.” You’re good with having a consistent
partner (or two) as long as it doesn’t require you to alter your single status.
In order to accomplish that, it’s important not to present yourself as too
available or else you run the risk of being unknowingly backed into a
relationship. You do not need to respond to every stupid phone call and text
message. You do not need to see each other every weekend. “Date Night” is not something
that you should allow yourself to be sucked into. “Date Night” is for couples,
something you have no desire to be a part of. You are also not a wedding date.
Again, being sucked into a wedding that you were not invited to yourself is
something that only happens to people in relationships. Always attend a wedding
stag. You never know who you’re going to meet and having a date with you will
only weigh you down.
7. Do not let any of your
penetration partners store shit at your home. On the flipside, do not store any
of your shit at their home. Your place is yours. Their place is theirs. Never
shall the two meet. Keeping things separated is the only way you can truly keep
your lives separate. Once you start allowing your bedmate to encroach on your
territory, the game is over.
8. Needless to say, there is
absolutely no reason to have this person you’re being noncommittal about meet
your family or for you to meet theirs. Meeting the family allows an individual
to gain insight to who you are, which is way too personal for someone you don’t
care about. If you have no plans of bumping this individual up from bedmate to
boyfriend/girlfriend, what is the point in complicating matters?
9. No sleepovers. If you’re just
looking for sex without any sort of emotional attachment, there is absolutely
no reason to sleep with this person. Sleeping together implies a sense of
intimacy. Intimacy toes the line of relationship, whether it’s a fully committed
one or a quasi-committed one.
is a fine line between having a detached sexual relationship and a casual, but
meaningful one. Before getting yourself involved with an individual, you need
to decide what you’re looking for. If you actually have or want emotional ties
to the person you’re casually sleeping with, but still do not want a
commitment, the above steps are not going to help you. They’re designed to keep
your partner at an arm’s length at all times, limiting emotional involvement.
They’re designed to ensure complete and total independence. In fact, following
these steps is pretty much a guarantee that the person you feel affection for
will avoid sleeping with you at all costs. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.
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